Art challenge topics
Spent a lot of time sulking over packing and moving, so I finished this art challenge a bit late. However, I am very proud of the pieces this month because they are more original.
Grape queen and avocado guard
01 - Queen
The grape queen and her avocado guard.
Seal chilling
02 - Lazy
Seal astronaut space walking
03 - Galaxy
I have been taking Mike Lowery's Always Drawing: 7 Creative Exercises to Jumpstart Your Sketchbook on Skillshare. This is part of his fourth prompt: things flying.
Seal recycling plastic soda bottle
04 - Recycle
Angry seal chasing a girl
05 - Prey
Seal with a sombrero selling hats
06 - Sale
Featuring some hats from Don't Starve Together.
Seal with boxing gloves and a punching bag
07 - Glove