completed bulldog bricks

A few Daiso stores in Southern California that I visited sold each Petit Block pack for 1.50 USD plus tax. The San Francisco and Dublin Daiso (as of February 9, 2020) do not sell these. If you do not have a Daiso around you or a Daiso that sells these, you can buy a pack for around 5 USD from third party merchants on Amazon or Ebay.

bulldog bricks in package

I received this pack for Christmas. It is the bulldog from the “Friends of Dogs & Cats” collection.

content of bulldog bricks packageInside the ziploc bag is a base plate, the block pieces, and a two-sided instruction sheet.

instruction page 1

instruction page 2

measurement of base plate

The base plate is around 1.65 in x 1.65 in. There are about 10 pieces remaining after completion.

front view of bulldog
Front View
side view of bulldog
Side View
back view of bulldog
Back View

Overall impression: I took 20 minutes nonstop to build this bulldog, which is much longer than I would like.I struggled because the instructions were confusing. The creator(s) wanted to condense multiple steps into one, so you really have to be good at mentally mapping 3D objects (which I am not) to complete a step correctly in one go.

The blocks are also not high quality, so they do not stay together well during construction. But for around $1.50, you can entertain yourself for 20 minutes and get a new cute little bulldog to decorate your shelf.